As I Went Out One Morning
Bob Dylan
paroles Bob Dylan As I Went Out One Morning

Bob Dylan - As I Went Out One Morning Lyrics & Traduction

La traduction de As I Went Out One Morning de Bob Dylan est disponible en bas de page juste après les paroles originales

As I went out one morning
To breathe the air around Tom Paine's,
I spied the fairest damsel
That ever did walk in chains.
I offer'd her my hand,
She took me by the arm.
I knew that very instant,
She meant to do me harm.

"Depart from me this moment,"
I told her with my voice.
Said she, "But I don't wish to,"
Said I, "But you have no choice."
"I beg you, sir," she pleaded
From the corners of her mouth,
"I will secretly accept you
And together we'll fly south."

Just then Tom Paine, himself,
Came running from across the field,
Shouting at this lovely girl
And commanding her to yield.
And as she was letting go her grip,
Up Tom Paine did run,
"I'm sorry, sir," he said to me,
"I'm sorry for what she's done."

Traduction As I Went Out One Morning - Bob Dylan

{Alors que je sortais un matin}

Alors que je sortais un matin
Pour prendre l'air près de chez Tom Paine
J'ai repéré la plus belle fille
Qui ait jamais marché enchaînée
Je lui offris ma main
Elle me pris par le bras
Je sus dès ce moment
Qu'elle me voulait du mal

"Eloigne-toi de moi"
Lui dis-je de vive voix
"Mais je n'ai pas envie" dit-elle
"Mais tu n'as pas le choix" je dis
"Je vous en supplie, monsieur" implora-t-elle
du bout des lèvres
"Je vous accepterai en secret
Et ensemble nous fuirons vers le sud"

A ce moment Tom Paine en personne
Accouru à travers champs
Criant vers la jolie fille
Et lui ordonna de céder
Et comme elle relâchait son étreinte
Tom Paine courut vers moi
"Je suis navré, monsieur" me dit-il
"Je suis navré pour ce qu'elle a fait"

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