Electric Callboy
paroles Electric Callboy Dramaqueen

Electric Callboy - Dramaqueen Lyrics & Traduction

Hey, Mrs Dramaqueen, what a nice movie scene
Pack up your bags, piss off and don't call me back
Call me back

Oh my God, she keeps talking and talking, "Don't drink too much"
Oh, fuck you, Dramaqueen
You have more shoes than a brain can have cells
You fucked my fridge up with your diet coke, hell
Oh, warm beer at a campfire sucks

End or beginning, it's always the same thing
Cracks in your head instead of place in your bed
Sometimes forever, it's always the same thing
You're too precious to be mislead

Hey, Mrs Dramaqueen, what a nice movie scene
Pack up your bags, piss off and don't call me back
Hey, Mrs Dramaqueen, what a nice movie scene
Pack up your bags, piss off and don't call me back

I hate indie-rock
No more romantics, I want sex and blood
Almost orgasmic
It's time for Rock and Roll

This is not, this is not what I'm looking for
This is not, this is not what I'm looking for
Like my loincloth, Mowgli runs free
Like my loincloth, Mowgli runs free

This is not what I'm looking for

End or beginning, it's always the same thing
Cracks in your head instead of place in your bed
Sometimes forever, it's always the same thing
You're too precious to be mislead

Hey, Mrs Dramaqueen, what a nice movie scene
Pack up your bags, piss off and don't call me back
Hey, Mrs Dramaqueen, what a nice movie scene
Pack up your bags, piss off and don't call me

I fuck you Dramaqueen
Nice and slowly, nice and slowly
How do you like that?

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Paroles de chansons de Electric Callboy