2 Fat 2 Furious
Electric Callboy
paroles Electric Callboy 2 Fat 2 Furious

Electric Callboy - 2 Fat 2 Furious Lyrics & Traduction

Shake your booty, are you ready to dine?
Raise your glass, it is burger time!
Shake your booty, are you ready to dine?
Raise your glass, it is burger time!

Hey girl, are you ready to dine?
Fuck those skinny bitches, it is burger time
Eating all day and fucking all night
My charm is getting stronger with every single bite
You wanna take a walk bitch?
But I don't wanna work out, so let's use the car
You wanna bang me hard bitch?
But after every single slap I need a protein bar

Baby I love you, but I can't deny
That I would leave you for an apple pie
Baby I need you, I'm done with the lies
'Cause I don't wanna live without burgers and fries
Shake your booty, are you ready to dine?
Raise your glass, it is burger time!
Shake your booty, are you ready to dine?
Raise your glass, it is burger time!

Bitches don't give a fuck if I'm hungry or not
Baby let me be your lover, eat burgers from your butt
Magic will happen when my meat curtain falls
I'm sexy as hell from my head to the balls
You wanna take a walk bitch?
But I don't wanna work out, so let's take the car
You wanna bang me hard bitch?
But after every single slap I need a protein bar

Baby I love you, but I can't deny
That I would leave you for an apple pie
Baby I need you, I'm done with the lies
'Cause I don't wanna live without burgers and fries
Shake your booty, are you ready to dine?
Raise your glass, it is burger time!
Shake your booty, are you ready to dine?
Raise your glass, it is burger time!

Don't touch my fucking burger bitch
I, I eat you alive
I don't care if you're tasty, I eat you alive
Hold me now, oh baby, hold me now
Take my hand, I wanna feel your love tonight
Get down!

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Paroles de chansons de Electric Callboy