It’s an upside down world x 4
Life a mind starts to wither like autumn leaves
Death is on my eye left unappeased
In prayer seeking solace from images of delusion
To the sorrows of iniquities
Living in an upside down world x 3
Oh oh oh
I live in an upside down world
Trying to keep our heads above the dirt
I live in an upside down world
To follow the word of the one above
Death is coming to the fallen who repent not their ways
Seek the lord, his mercy and pray that ye be saved
For the wrath to come upon you, run away from the night
Away from those who chose the way of truth love and light
Pay heed deeply, know thyself, seek and you’ll find
Trust the spirit of the host who’ll bring mine back to mind
Seek the shepherd in the fold guiding his children gently
Know your destination’s good to where I send thee
Living in an upside world x 3
Oh oh oh
I live in an upside down world
Trying to keep our heads above the dirt
It’s an upside down world x 4
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