I'll be alright (Intro)
paroles Leony I'll be alright (Intro)

Leony - I'll be alright (Intro) Lyrics & Traduction

Let me rest my head on you
I need some time, some time
Replace myself with someone new
Just for a while, for a while
Is it ok for me to say what's on my mind?
I don't know how 'cause I keep everything inside
Is it ok for me to say what's on my mind?
Would you?
When you call out my name
Out in the blaze
I'll be alright
Look who I became
I'm still the same
I'll be alright
Is it ok for me to say what's on my mind?
I don't know how 'cause I keep everything inside
But when you call out my name
Out in the blaze
I'll be alright

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Paroles de chansons de Leony