Feel Something
paroles GRIMSON Feel Something

GRIMSON - Feel Something Lyrics & Traduction

Les paroles ci dessous ne sont qu’un extrait. Si vous connaissez les paroles manquantes, n’hésitez pas à nous les faire parvenir.

I can't sleep
I can only close my eyes and think
I check my phone
All those people I'll never know

Who are you?
Better question, who am I?
Am I just playing a role in someones life?

I want to feel
I want to feel
I can't move
I'm a puppet now, so pull my strings
I don't feel real
No, I just want to feel something

(I want to feel)
I want to feel (something)
I want to feel (something)
I want to feel
I want to feel
(I want to feel)
(I want to feel)