Better Off (Alone, Pt. III)
Alan Walker
paroles Alan Walker Better Off (Alone, Pt. III)

Alan Walker - Better Off (Alone, Pt. III) Lyrics & Traduction

This could be a good night, for good times and you look like a good time
We're dancing to dancing in the moonlight
Now i want you bad
Can you make me feel better

This could be a good night, for good times and you look like a good time
We're dancing to dancing in the moonlight
Now i want you bad
Can you make me feel better

Do you think you're better off alone
I think you better come along
Can you make me feel better
I think you better come along

This could be a good night, for good times and you look like a good time
We're dancing to dancing in the moonlight
Now i want you bad
Can you make me feel better

Do you think you're better off alone
I think you better come along
So if you think you're better off alone
I think you better come along
Can you make me feel better

This could be a good night, for good times and you look like a good time
We're dancing to dancing in the moonlight
Now i want you bad
Can you make me feel better

Do you think you're better off alone
I think you better come along

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