Little Boys Dream
Micah P Hinson
paroles Micah P Hinson Little Boys Dream

Micah P Hinson - Little Boys Dream Lyrics & Traduction

He's on a plane crossing the world now
Thinking of the thing that had headed him south
And all the way it seemed
Could help a litlle boy's dreams
Find a home, find a soul, and a way

He's on a plane crossing the world now
Thinking of the love she should have had
And all the way she seemed
Could help that little boy's dream
Find a home, find a soul, and a way

She's on a train cross the world now
Not thinking of the thing that had headed him south
And all the way it seemed
Could help a little girl's dreams
Find a home, find a soul, and a way

She's on a train cross the world now
Thinking of the thing that had headed her south
And all the way he seemed
Could help that little girl's dreams
Find a home, find a soul, and a way

They're on a plane crossing the world now
Not thinking of the things that had headed him south
And all the way they seemed
Could help those children's dreams
Find their home, find their souls, and a way

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