Forgetting All My troubles
Katie Melua
paroles Katie Melua Forgetting All My troubles

Katie Melua - Forgetting All My troubles Lyrics & Traduction

There's a secret, the golden flower knows
When you're falling in love
There's a silence, the ending darkness feels
When you're singing with love

Remembering life, a good blessed life
I'm forgetting all my troubles
I'm forgetting all my troubles

There's a summer, a frozen heart recalls
When you're breathing with love
There's a pathway, the silver candle shines
When you're seeing with love

Remembering life, a good blessed life
I'm forgetting all my troubles
I'm forgetting all my troubles

There's a quivering, the waken forest gives
When you're dancing with love
There's a humming, the diamond raindrops hum
When you're crazy with love

Remembering life, a good blessed life
I'm forgetting all my troubles
I'm forgetting all my troubles

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