Yellow Wool Sheet.
Devil Jo & The Backdoormen
paroles Devil Jo & The Backdoormen Yellow Wool Sheet.

Devil Jo & The Backdoormen - Yellow Wool Sheet. Lyrics

I wanna know, from the inside,
Are you lazy or are you tired for real.
You know it shows, me nothing,
Nothing pretty, I swear it’s boring.

I see you there; you’re layed on the couch,
Girl, you know you make me wanna scream and shout...

Oh, well!
Will you understand?
I can be your man,
If you dare stop wrappin’ yourself into this yellow wool sheet

I love you so, my dear,
I know for sure that you’re good to me.
But I gotta go, cause I see,
Disappointments in my leather dreams.

I see you there; you’re layed on the couch,
Girl, you know you make me wanna scream and shout...

Oh, well!
Will you understand?
I can be your man,
Just stop wrappin’ yourself into this yellow wool sheet.

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