Yeah, he's a hard one
Never changing Wrangler son
Sleeps in his Red Wings
Loves you like you're everything
Worth slowing down for
Until his eyes are on the door
Yeah, he's the stubborn kind
Yeah, but so am I
I'm gonna sit here, sip my Makers straight
Watch out the window while he rides away
I know if he wanted to, he would've stayed
Cowboys and whiskey are two things I don't chase
Oh, I'm a strong pour
If you love me, then I'll love you more
But if you're out wandering
Then I ain't gonna rope you in
His eyes were begging me to follow him, to put up a fight
Girl, hold your horses, don't let him see you cry
I'm gonna sit here, sip my Makers straight
Watch out the window while he rides away
I know if he wanted to, he would've stayed
Cowboys and whiskey are two things I don't chase
And I'm okay if he's thinking 'bout going
I wouldn't want him anyway
So I'm gonna sit here
Watch as he's leaving
And I know if he wanted to, he would've stayed
Cowboys and whiskey are two things I don't chase
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