The malevolent thrones appear
Blazing monuments
Witnessing the advent
The heirs reigning rightfully
All hail Lilith
All hail Lucifer
Long live the reign of the flame
Spread the word and bend the knee before them
One crown shared above their heads
Three swords for one hand
One tongue for both of them
Here dwells the dragon
From the shadow of God
To the light from the new lord
The fallen angels
From the depths of darkness
To the hand of the skies
From the great garden
To the heights of the mountain
From infernal princes once
To the head of the militia
( The gates of Heaven have been opened
The traitor shall join the weak
The three of them shall fall in Hell
Justice for the fallen angels )
A holy sentence
For holy violence
Make them forbidden
Alone and forsaken
The king is nothing but a usurper
The realm of flames should grow stronger
Any eye would see
Any tongue would say
That the hand of a traitor
Shall never be my lord
Any eye
Any tongue
Shall never be my lord
The most grotesque farce of all has come to an end
Where the morning star shall fall again
And the wanderer be avenged
The serpent leads the way to the end
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