Sunny Balcony
(Baptiste Legros /Juliette Richards)
What's on her mind ?
Getting uptight
Sorry to find her way back home
On her own ?
On her own
Gloria will be waiting
On her sunny balcony
Waiting for George
And waiting for glory
Gloria will be waiting
On her sunny balcony
Waiting for one eye
To be glorified. To be glorified ?
One eye will do.
One eye will do.
What will she get ?
Getting up there ?
Will he be upset or will he climb ?
Will he be on time ?
Gloria will be waiting
On her sunny balcony
Waiting for George
And waiting for glory
Gloria will be waiting
On her sunny balcony
Waiting for one eye
To be glorified. To be glorified ?
She's got the time.
She's got the time.
Waiting for him to climb ?
Until he's lost her time.
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